2018-06-19 HPC Meeting Minutes


Committee Members 

Kanta Vekaria (HPC Lead, OCTO Linaro)
Martin Stadtler (Director of LEG, Linaro)(tick)

Darren Cepulis (ARM)  

Andrew Wafaa (ARM)(tick)

Tianhong Ding /Joshua Mora (Huawei)


Larry Wikelius (Cavium)


Scott Hara (Qualcomm) 

Steve Geist (Qualcomm)

Hongbo Zhang (HXT)

Jon Masters (RedHat)

Takeharu Kato (Fujitsu)


Koichi Hirai (Fujitsu)



David Rusling (CTO, Linaro) 

Andrea Gallo (VP of Segment Groups, Linaro)

Anoop Saxena (Project Manager, Segments)


Renato Golin (Linaro)


Joshua Mora (Huawei)


Baptiste Gerondeau (Linaro)(tick)


Dial in Information

To join the meeting, go to: https://bluejeans.com/8444124406 

Just want to dial in? (http://bluejeans.com/numbers

1) +1 408 740 7256 

2) Enter Meeting ID: 8444124406 

(Try your iPhone or Android phone) 


Team update

  • HPC Lab
  • OpenHPC Ansible
  • Compiler performance

ISC18 & Workshop plans


Questions around the test-suite packages that we should care about

  • What packages to members care the most?
  • What packages we should add?

Current plan

  • Enable everything that works until ISC18, update slides
  • After ISC
    • First, look at all that passes upstream and not in the lab, upstream changes
    • Second, look at all that passes on x86 and not on Arm, upstream changes
    • Third, look at new packages or additional tests requested by members (above)