Setting Up an IRC Channel

If you need an IRC channel that is not already established, please follow these steps to create it.If you get stuck, please raise an IT Support ticket for help.

Step-by-step guide

Public Channels

  • Choose channel name and discussion topic. The channel should be #linaro-XXX where XXX is your discussion topic.
    For example: #linaro-kernel or #linaro-multimedia

  • Circulate the idea on linaro-dev and see if there is any opposition. 

  • Once you have something that everyone is happy with and nobody opposes to, you can then follow the steps to create your new channel. 

  • First you will need to join your new channel:
/join #linaro-XXX

  • Next, you will need to register the channel. This will only work if your nick is registered and you are an operator on the channel. 
/msg chanserv register #linaro-XXX

  • Set the chanserv guard on. 
    (This keeps the channel online and also allows you to see the output from the steps below)
/msg chanserv set #linaro-XXX guard on

  • For public channels, prevent external send, block unidentified, only allow ops to set the topic and prevent a password being set. See below for what to use with private channels. Unidentified users are forwarded to #linaro-unregistered and given an explanatory message.
/msg chanserv set mlock #linaro-XXX +nrtf-slk #linaro-unregistered
  • Turn on security so that only authorized operators can gain channel ops
/msg chanserv set #linaro-XXX secure on

  • Add IRC nicks for the IT Services staff to the channel as founding operators so they can help you out if/when you need it.
/msg chanserv access #linaro-XXX add philip_colmer +*+F-O

  • Add the appropriate Freenode staff and Linaro operator authorisations

Note: If you want your channel to be private, don't add the Freenode staff operator authorisations as this may cause security issues.

/msg chanserv access #linaro-XXX add *!*@freenode/staff/* +votiA
/msg chanserv access #linaro-XXX add *!*@linaro/* +votiA

  • Set the URL for the channel
/msg chanserv set #linaro-XXX url

  • Tell IT Services! They will keep an occasional eye on things to make sure everything goes well.
  • Add your channel to Linaro Public IRC Details so it's discoverable.
  • Publicise this to your participants and help them join the channel.

Private Channels

Freenode staff can access private channels! Use other more secure messaging systems instead if this is an issue.

Private channels are discouraged. Generally only Member Services will have them to discuss NDA topics.

Note: If you just want a channel that anyone can join as long as they have a password, follow all the steps below EXCEPT the SET RESTRICTED flag.

The setup is the same as the public section above except you will need to perform some additional steps.

/msg chanserv set #linaro-xxx mlock +nsrtcfk-l #linaro-unregistered secretpassword explains the modes being applied here but, in a nutshell:

  • +n means no outside messages
  • +s means secret channel
  • +r means registered channel
  • +t means regulars cannot change the topic
  • +c means block messages containing mIRC colour codes
  • +f means forward unregistered users
  • +k means use a key (password) to join
  • -l means don't limit number of users

Flags :

  • SET SECURE enables or disables ChanServ's security features for a channel. When SECURE is set, only users who have registered their nicknames with ChanServ and IDENTIFY'd with their password will be given access to the channel as controlled by the access list.
  • SET RESTRICTED enables or disables the restricted access option for a channel. When restricted access is set, users who would normally be disallowed from having channel operator privileges (users with negative access levels and, if secure ops is set, users not on the access list) will instead be kicked and banned from the channel.
  • SET GUARD allows you to have ChanServ join your channel.
  • SET PRIVATE enables or disables the private option for a channel. When private is set, a /msg ChanServ LIST will not include the channel in any lists.
/msg chanserv set #linaro-xxx SECURE ON 
/msg chanserv set #linaro-xxx RESTRICTED ON
/msg chanserv set #linaro-xxx GUARD ON
/msg chanserv set #linaro-xxx PRIVATE ON

Note: If you want your channel to be private, don't add the Freenode staff operator authorisations as this may cause security issues.

  • You MUST add authorised people to the access list otherwise they won't be able to join. Those people must be registered with Nickserv.

If you don't feel confident setting this up yourself, you can raise an IT Support ticket and IT Services will set it up for you. You can also check with them once you have set it up to make sure it is configured correctly if you are unsure about anything.

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